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2017 SLSCA delegation to Limbe delivers 1,805 kits

Updated: Apr 22, 2018

We're exhausted - but in a good way!

We've returned safe and sound from our grand adventure—17 days of nonstop citizen diplomacy that once again left our hearts full of love for our friends in Cameroon.

What we accomplished:

· We spent 19 full days on the trip, with 2 days travel to Cameroon and back.

· We had 15 working days with 7 school visits (Pouma, Yaoundé primary, Yaoundé HS, Bandrefam village, Tockem H.S., Tockem Middle School, and the school in Limbe).

· We had 4 impromptu trainings (the living room following the luncheon after church, with Bus Driver George who took kits to his daughters and wife; on the bus with soon-to-be-married Silas who promised to train his fiance; at Tockem with the King’s sister; and with the sewing teacher who taught girls and their moms how to use the kits once we left).

· We conducted a 2-day training to create kits with the YWCA in Sakbayémé village.

· We developed 2 opportunities to create sustainability for kit creation through YWCA Sakbayémé this year and in Mbouda with the king’s sister in 2020.

· We have potential opportunities for 2020 with the African American History Museum/ African American artists’ exhibit in the Limbe Art Center as part of FESTAC and possibly again at the Foumban Museum.

· We also have the potential of engaging with Narcisse Nana’s women’s empowerment group in Yaounde in 2020.

What a glorious trip. To quote lyrics from the musical Wicked, we “may not have been changed for the better but (we) have been changed for good.”



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